Detroit Urban Craft Fair 2013

I just finished a great weekend at the Masonic Temple for this year’s Detroit Urban Craft Fair, selling some of my stuff and buying a few gifts in the process.

DUCF Booth

Special thanks to Handmade Detroit and Lish Dorset for holding the event and to Jodi Lynn and Scott for being super cool and having the unofficial after-after-party at The Fortress, a great artist’s space and studio here in Detroit.

The Fortress



Bread Boards

Working on some new bread boards/cutting boards. Hopefully I’ll have another design or two for etching in the near future.

Bread Boards


I’ve been asked a few times why I didn’t choose to make cutting boards in the shape of Michigan. I’ve made ones in the past, but I decided against making them now because a) they’re already being made locally and b) I felt like even though they were more work to make, they were actually a little less practical as cutting boards.

There’s something I enjoyed about a simple, slightly misshapen cutting board, so I cut them by hand, sanded them down, and finished them with mineral oil.
